Sunday, April 12, 2009

Safe Handling of Fresh Herbs

Safe Handling of Fresh Herbs

Picture of Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs are often used to season and flavour dishes. Many people grow or buy herbs that are fresh and have not been dried. Popular types of fresh herbs include rosemary, oregano, basil and thyme. Canada’s Food Guide recommends a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet. By adding fresh herbs, you can help enhance the flavour of your favourite vegetable dishes and help reduce the risk of heart disease.

How can fresh herbs become contaminated?

Fresh herbs and other fruits and vegetables don’t naturally contain bacteria that can make you sick.

Fresh herbs are grown close to the ground and the leaves can become contaminated in the field by soil, contaminated water, wild and domestic animals or improperly composted manure. Bacteria may also be transferred during and after harvest from handling, storing and transporting.

Fresh fruit and vegetables, including herbs, can also become contaminated with disease-causing bacteria when they come into contact with raw food items such as meat, poultry, seafood and their juices. Such contaminations can happen at the grocery store, in the shopping cart, in the refrigerator or from counters and cutting boards at home.

herbs foundation

The Herb Research Foundation is the world's first and foremost source of accurate, science-based information on the health benefits and safety of herbs---and expertise in sustainable botanical resource development.

Welcome to our award-winning website.

See our very popular Herb Information Packet series on herbs, specific health conditions, and related topics. Each of these compilations contains carefully selected articles, studies, and/or discussions by experts. Now available for immediate delivery by email.

What sets HRF's work apart is our vast storehouse of information resources, including a specialty research library containing more than 300,000 scientific articles on thousands of herbs. We also have extensive field experience in sustainable development of botanical resources.

Founded in 1983 with a mission of herb research and public education, HRF remains committed to supporting the public's right to truthful information about the health benefits of herbs. Through our media outreach and education programs, HRF reaches millions of people each month with accurate information on the safe and appropriate use of herbs. Other services include botanical literature research, publications, herb safety reviews, and Herb Information Packets.

HRF is a nonprofit organization that receives no public funding, but instead depends 100% on the support of our members and clients. Please join us in improving world health through the informed use of herbs!

How Safe Are Herbs?

How Safe Are Herbs?

"If it is natural, it must be safe!" Americans have bought into this motto for years, but it's not true according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is a dangerous and inaccurate assumption to believe that herbal products are necessarily safe. People often think herbs will have no side effects and do not know about potential drug interactions.

In the U.S., herbal products can be marketed only as food supplements. If a manufacturer or distributor makes specific health claims about an herbal product - indicates on the label the illness for which the product might be used - without FDA approval, the product can be pulled from store shelves.

Recently, the FDA wrote more than 80 companies warning them to make sure the food ingredients being used in their products are considered safe by the government and to cease making illegal and scientifically unproven health claims.

Some additives are considered healthy such as orange juice with added calcium or breakfast cereals containing fiber. Research suggests that cranberries help to prevent urinary tract infections caused by E. Coli bacteria. But snack chips with Echinacea reducing the risk of colds or fruit drinks with Kava Kava claiming to provide an energy boost are not proven.



Safe Herbs are research based herbal supplements developed with scientific analysis. Each single product is manufactured with careful selection of herbal extracts, under stringent production parameters and advanced technology.

Herbs are the best friends of mankind. Since centuries human being has been practicing usage of botanicals for the haelthy living.

Safe Herbs is the range of speciality Indian herbs hygienically packed & scientifically processed.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Public Health Advisory

Public Health Advisory

FDA is issuing this public health advisory to alert patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to important changes to Chantix prescribing information. Chantix is a medicine used to help patients stop smoking.

At the request of FDA, Pfizer, the manufacturer of Chantix, has updated the Chantix prescribing information to include warnings about the possibility of severe changes in mood and behavior in patients taking Chantix. FDA is highlighting the following related important safety information on Chantix:

FDA first informed the public about the possibility of severe changes in mood and behavior in the November 20, 2007 FDA Early Communication About an Ongoing Safety Review. At that time, information about severe changes in mood and behavior in patients taking Chantix was added to the Chantix label with an explanation that the link between Chantix and these symptoms was unclear. As FDA’s review of the data has progressed it has become increasingly likely that the severe changes in mood and behavior may be related to Chantix. As a result, FDA worked with Pfizer, the manufacturer of Chantix, to add warnings to the Chantix label about the possibility of severe changes in mood and behavior so healthcare professionals and patients can be more alert to this information. In addition, FDA is working with Pfizer to finalize a Medication Guide for patients.

FDA will update the public about any new information from FDA’s continuing review of the data or new information that it receives on Chantix and severe changes in mood and behavior. FDA may consider additional changes to the Chantix prescribing information as the data review and conclusions warrant.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Women Health Project

Women Health Project

Women Health Project operates in Pakistan.
The Project will help the Government and the provinces to (i) expand basic women's health interventions to underserved populations including health and nutrition education, family planning, skilled delivery care, and control of common communicable diseases; (ii) develop woman friendly health systems providing quality women's health care from the community to first-referral level, through a district focus approach including contracting of nongovernment organizations (NGOs) for social mobilization and services; and (iii) strengthen the institutional and human resources capacity of the Ministry of Health and the provincial health departments to sustain women's health care development in the long term



Normal and abnormal menstruation information from abnormal uterine bleeding to what it means when periods are late, heavy, or accompanied by PMS or cramps, as well as details about what to expect during a normal period and menstrual cycle.

What is Menstruation?
A look at what happens during normal menstruation and when to expect your first period. Includes information about menstrual cycle disorders including abnormal uterine bleeding patterns, PMS, PMDD, and cramps or dysmenorrhea.

Bleeding Between Periods

Bleeding Between Periods

Do You Bleed or Spot Between Periods?

Bleeding or spotting between periods can be a frightening experience. You never know when bleeding between periods may occur. Maybe your period was over last week and then you notice that you're bleeding again. Maybe this isn't the first month you've experienced bleeding or spotting between periods. Or it could be the first time you've had bleeding between periods. Whether it's the first time you've experienced bleeding between periods, or just another month of spotting, metrorrhagia is a frustrating and stressful experience.

What is normal menstruation?

Normal menstrual bleeding lasts about five days, and although it may seem like you are losing a lot more blood, the amount of blood lost during your period is only about two to eight tablespoons. While normal menstruation occurs on average every 28 days, anywhere from 25 to 35 days between periods is considered normal.

When should you worry about menstrual bleeding?

If you are post-menopausal, or younger than 11 and vaginal bleeding occurs, consult your physician immediately. You should try to determine where the bleeding is coming from: Are you bleeding from your vagina? Your rectum? Or is blood in your urine?

What causes bleeding between periods?

Although the cause of irregular bleeding can vary according to individual health situations, some of the more common causes include:

Sexual Health Issues

Sexual Health Issues

Sexual health issues such as sexually transmitted diseases or STDs, sexual dysfunctions, and sexuality issues are explained. Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of STDs, and female sexual dysfunction.

Before You Get Married - Getting Your Marriage Off to a Healthy Start
Getting married is a special, exciting, and busy time that most women dream of from the time they are little girls. But there is more to getting married than flowers, dresses, and saying "I do." Before you marry the love of your life, you should have a few health checks to make sure that you are in tiptop shape health wise.

Do You Need A Hysterectomy?

Do You Need A Hysterectomy?

Has your doctor told you that you need to have a hysterectomy? Find out when hysterectomy is medically necessary, and when hysterectomy is optional.

Permanent Sterilization Options For Women and Men

Tuesday April 7, 2009
Permanent sterilization is an option for both women and men who do not want children. Tubal ligation permanently ends a woman's chance of becoming pregnant by a simple, usually, outpatient procedure called tubal ligation. On the other hand, men who do not want children can opt for a simple in-office procedure called vasectomy. If you're in a traditional male/female relationship, you'll want to know about both procedures before you decide which of you will undergo permanent sterilization.

Top Tips For Healthy Manicures

Wednesday March 25, 2009
Do you regularly visit the nail salon? Did you know that cracks or broken skin around the fingernails can be an entrance point for HIV / AIDS? While the majority of nail salons follow their states' rules and regulations for sanitary manicures, there are some nail salons that don't. You can be sure that your manicure is healthy by following a few simple.

Children's Health

Children's Health

Your child's health includes physical, mental and social well-being. Most parents know the basics of keeping children healthy, like offering them healthy foods, making sure they get enough sleep and exercise and insuring their safety.

It is also important for children to get regular checkups with their health care provider. These visits are a chance to check your child's development. They are also a good time to catch or prevent problems.

Other than checkups, school-age children should be seen for

* Significant weight gain or loss
* Sleep problems or change in behavior
* Fever higher than 102
* Rashes or skin infections
* Frequent sore throats
* Breathing problems

Thursday, April 9, 2009

TOP 10 causes for Veginal Bleeding after SEX

TOP 10 causes for Veginal Bleeding after SEX

1# Cervical dysplasia: Cervical dysplasia is precancerous changes of the epithelial cells that line the cervix. Risk increases with multiple sexual partners, sex before age 18, childbirth before age 16, or a past history of STDs. Treatment is usually cryosurgery or conisation.

2# Chlamydia: A bacterial infection that is usually transmitted through sexual activity or contact with semen, vaginal fluid, or blood.

3# Gonorrhea: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacteria. Several pharmaceutical treatments are available.

4# Vaginitis or Cervicitis: Inflammation or swelling and infection of the vagina or cervix. Treatment depends on the cause.

5# Cervical polyps: Cervical polyps are smooth, red or purple, finger-like growths that grow out of the mucus layer of the cervix or the cervical canal. Cervical polyps are extremely fragile, extending out of the cervix, and easily and painlessly removed.

6# Trichomoniasis: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by protozoan. Can also be passed to newborns during vaginal birth by infected mothers. Although rare, transmission is also possible in tap water, hot tubs, urine, on toilet seats, and in swimming pools. May cause vaginitis.

7# Vaginal Yeast Infection: An overgrowth of the normal fungi that inhabits the vaginal area. Common symptoms include itching, burning, and an odorless, white, cheese-like discharge.

8# Endometritis or adenomyosis: Endometritis is defined by Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition as an inflammation of the endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterus). Both conditions are associated with endometriosis. Adenomysis is when endometrial tissue attaches itself to the uterus, or another organ such as the ovaries, and grows outside of the uterus.

9# Uterine polyps: Uterine polyps occur when the endometrium overgrows causing these protrusions into the uterus. It is extremely rare for these growths to grow in a way that is either benign or malignant. Women with uterine polyps frequently experience bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia), other symptoms includes vaginal bleeding after sex, spotting, menorrhagia, bleeding after menopause, and breakthrough bleeding during hormone therapy. Hysteroscopic-guided curettage is the preferred treatment, since the normal D&C is basically an unguided procedure that may miss many of the uterine polyps.

10# Fibroid tumors: Uterine fibroid tumors are usually benign tumors. They are solid masses made of fibrous tissue. Fibroid tumors are rarely malignant. Symptoms of fibroid tumors vary among women, with some women never experiencing any symptoms at all. Women who can wait until menopause will see their fibroids shrink and disappear once their bodies stop producing estrogen. It's important that women with fibroids make sure they never take estrogen, in any form including birth control pills, since estrogen increases fibroid growth. Several treatments are currently available for uterine fibroid tumors from myomectomy and uterine artery embolization to the traditional hysterectomy.

created by: Sanamartin
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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Being a Healthy Man

Being a Healthy Man
Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a growth of one of the major sex glands of men. The prostate itself is roughly the size of walnut and is located slightly behind the urinary bladder. A tumor in the prostate can impede correct bladder control and typical sexual functioning. Problems involving urinating typically are prostate cancer's initial symptom.

Heart Disease

Atherosclerosis typically causes heart disease. This is the amassing of fatty substances such as cholesterol, on the arteries' inner wall. This attracts calcium, stringy tissue and blood elements. These substances harden into plaques that block arteries. Other factors can also cause some heart disease cases.

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure is another major health issue for men. Blood pressure readings are typically given as two figures. The first figure is your systolic pressure, which is established when your heart beats. A high systolic pressure constantly exceeds 140. The second figure is the diastolic pressure, which is the pressure within blood vessels while the heart is inactive. A high diastolic pressure constantly exceeds 90. Numerous factors can influence blood pressure, such as the levels of various hormones in the body; your kidneys', blood vessels' or nervous system's state; and the amount of salt and water in your body.

Lung Disease

Lung disease kills the third highest number of Americans. Lung disease symptoms include wheezing; cyanosis (blue or purple skin); chest pain; breathing failure; swelling; a constant or worsening cough; and hemoptysis (coughing up blood).


An obese person is defined as person with a body mass index that is greater than 30. Men's obesity typically collects near the upper body. Researchers are currently analyzing data indicating that obesity could be more detrimental for men, than for women. Obese men seem to have less endurance and more problems managing carbohydrates, than obese women.

Health Tips for Men

To remain healthy, men should take the following steps:

* Receive recommended screening exams (i.e. cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure, depression, obesity, cancer)
* Take preventative medications as needed
* Stay physically active
* Eat healthy foods
* Abstain from tobacco smoking
* Remain at a healthy wait

Men's health issues are important not only to men, but also to those who love them.

Healthy lifestyle practices
The best way to stay healthy is to prevent problems before they occur. Learn some basics about healthy lifestyle choices.

* Tobacco use: If you smoke, get help with quitting. Do your best to limit your exposure to secondhand smoke.
* Exercise: Get 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise on most days.
* Nutrition: Nourish your mind and body with a healthy diet. Choose foods that are low in fat, eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and consider portion sizes.
* Safety: Use seat belts, bicycle helmets, and smoke detectors to protect against accidents and injuries. Make sure to store firearms properly.
* Alcohol: If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Don't drink and drive.
* Safer sex: Avoid high-risk sexual behavior.
* Preventive care: Stay up-to-date with your immunizations and screening tests.
My male clientele is very small. Why??. I get very few male clients, most have cancer and prostate problems, sometimes I get mothers concerned for the welfare of their sons, bringing them to see me almost dragging them, why is that??. Males seldom seek help, they usually keep their problems to themselves.

We are to proud, macho, invincible, we are reluctant to appear vulnerable, or weak.

Males are brought up in an unrealistic environment. We are led to believe that strength is good and emotions are not part of the male species. We are supposed to be successful at everything and failure or weakness are not allowed. Since we were little we played with guns, were soldiers, cowboys, or monsters. In school we continue to be macho and play rough games, and are not allowed to show our emotions. To be honest I don't know at what age most of us imbedded these beliefs that will be with us for the rest of our lives.

The pressures that are created for the male start at a very early age. Playing at home with siblings or friends, then at school, our male world continues to develop until we arrive



Friday, April 3, 2009

Women's Program

Women and Men benefit equally from most of the Chinese Tonic herbs. Yet women and men are not the same and require a different balance of the herbs, and in some cases entirely different herbs. Herbs have been used since the dawn of civilization to help regulate functions that are distinctly female, such as menstrual, hormonal and fertility issues. Certain herbs were discovered long before humans wrote books and have been used ever since. Dang Gui (Tang Kwei), Ligusticum, Peony root and others have been used billions of times to successfully aid in optimizing female functions, allowing a woman to flourish.

EXPORT INQUIRIES of women health



Jarita is actually a traditional medicinal herbal formula. It is made from the most rapid acting pharmaceutical quality herbs, found largely in the tropical rain forest, specially in the Malay island of the peninsular. The composition of this wonderful medicinal herbal formula has been perfected and skillfully blended using modern technology with newly discovered ingredients to ensure high quality and for ladies to demonstrate their full potential.

This well kept secret formula of this herbal mixture is very well known amongst the Madurese Malay women in keeping decades of harmonious husband and wife relationship and had drawn significant studies and is followed by many women from other parts of the region.

Men Harbor Secret Homosexual Desires

Do Homophobic Men Harbor Secret Homosexual Desires?

Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 1006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine.