Sunday, April 12, 2009

Safe Handling of Fresh Herbs

Safe Handling of Fresh Herbs

Picture of Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs are often used to season and flavour dishes. Many people grow or buy herbs that are fresh and have not been dried. Popular types of fresh herbs include rosemary, oregano, basil and thyme. Canada’s Food Guide recommends a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet. By adding fresh herbs, you can help enhance the flavour of your favourite vegetable dishes and help reduce the risk of heart disease.

How can fresh herbs become contaminated?

Fresh herbs and other fruits and vegetables don’t naturally contain bacteria that can make you sick.

Fresh herbs are grown close to the ground and the leaves can become contaminated in the field by soil, contaminated water, wild and domestic animals or improperly composted manure. Bacteria may also be transferred during and after harvest from handling, storing and transporting.

Fresh fruit and vegetables, including herbs, can also become contaminated with disease-causing bacteria when they come into contact with raw food items such as meat, poultry, seafood and their juices. Such contaminations can happen at the grocery store, in the shopping cart, in the refrigerator or from counters and cutting boards at home.